성공신화의 숲, 휴림그룹

더 나은 미래를 만들기 위해 신성장 산업을 발굴하고
각 사업 분야의 최고로 자리매김 하고 있습니다.


    Ideal Candidate

    With talent who achieve their goals based on expertise and responsibility.
    The Hyuim Group pursues higher goals based on the positive energy of its members.

    Hyulim Group is selecting and nurturing talent with four goals

    • Challenge

      Talent who actively responds to environmental changes and enjoys new challenges in an active manner.

    • Practice

      Talent who faithfully strives to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.

    • Collaboration

      Talent who grows together in cooperation with the organization through communication and respect.

    • Creative

      Creative and passionate people with new perspectives and creative mindsets.